Please refer also to the following links:
Other useful links:
Clinical description of the Crigler-Najjar syndrome from the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database.
Clinical description of the Crigler-Najjar syndrome from the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. database.
American Liver Foundation
Clinical description of the Crigler-Najjar syndrome from the the American Liver Foundation.
Clinical description of the Crigler-Najjar syndrome from the Orphanet.
Clinical description of the Crigler-Najjar syndrome from the database of
Dr. Namita Roy-Chowdhury
Home page of Dr. N. Roy-Chowdhury professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY involved in Crigler-Najjar research.
Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase from the OMIN database.
Information on cholestyramine from MedlinePlus site
American Liver Foundation
Children's Liver Disease Foundation
Australian Liver Foundation
Parents of infants and children with kernicterus - P.I.C.K.
Children's Liver Association for Support Services - C.L.A.S.S.
Genetic Alliance
The Clinic for Special Children
CI AMI Italian Crigler-Najjar Association
Personal Web Pages:
The Carmaichel Family Web Page
Contains details on how to build a sit-up light unit for phototherapy.
Kately's Light
Personal page of Kately Bachman a Crigler-Najjar patient from Texas.
Commercial sites:
Harlan, supplier of research animal models including Gunn rats.
Guerra Lamps
Home page of Lampade Guerra where is possible to order online F20T12/BB lamps.
Ilkley Gazette: Info about GoldenLite, a sunbed manufacturer which developed a sunbed for Crigler-Najjar patients.
Light permeable phototherapy diapers.
Neon Elite Pittem
Tubular lamps for phototherapy.
Solar Light Co. Inc
Bilirubin phototherapy detector.
Laboratories specialized in the diagnosis of Crigler-Najjar syndrome:
To find diagnostic laboratories consult the sites:
In other languages:
Het Najjar Fonds
Dutch Crigler-Najjar association
Clinical description of the Crigler-Najjar syndrome from the database of CISMeF, in French
Clinical description of the Crigler-Najjar syndrome from the database of Orphanet, in French
, Italian
, Spanish
, Portuguese
, German
Maladie de Gilbert et maladie de Crigler-Najjar
Gilbert e Crigler-Najjar syndromes, in French 
Pathophysiologie Skriptum Bilirubinstoffwechselatofisiologia
Pathophysiology of bilirubin metabolism, in German 
Wikipedia in German
Crigler-Najjar syndrom Wikipedia 
Wikipedia in Spanish
Sindrome de Crigler-Najjar Wikipedia 
Síndrome de Crigler-Najjar: diagnóstico y tratamiento
Paper in Spanish from Anales de Pediatria
Hiperbilirrubinemia no Hemolitica Congenita
Paper in Spanish from Revista Chilena de Pediatria 
Crigler-Najjar Sendromu 
This site in Italian